Contact Details

Durweston CE

Primary School

Feed the mind, nurture the spirit, free the imagination

Stand true in what you believe. Be courageous, be strong. And do everything with love.

1 Corinthians 16: 13-14

Class Pages

We have  a pre-school and 5 mixed age classes. This means that on their journey from Reception to Year 6, every child will spend two consecutive years in a class, at two separate points! Each class is supported by either one or two Class Teachers and at least one Teaching Assistant.

Share your worries...

 We want our children to feel safe at school. If they are are worried about something, we encourage them to go to someone in school they feel comfortable talking to.  If they don't feel they can do this, for whatever reason, they can write or draw their worries and post them in our school worry box. This is checked regularly by one of our TAs, who then makes sure the worry is taken to the person who can help.
