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Durweston CE

Primary School

Feed the mind, nurture the spirit, free the imagination

Stand true in what you believe. Be courageous, be strong. And do everything with love.

1 Corinthians 16: 13-14

Reading at School

Fluent readers, reading for pleasure 

In order to read for pleasure, children need to be able to read fluently. We start that process as soon as  children come into school with daily phonics teaching. We also start sending books home . Starting with pink, your child will move up the colour bands as they become confident and fluent readers, until they become a free reader. We will hear your child read at least once a week, either individually or in a small group.  We will record this reading in your child's reading record book, pointing out what your child has done well and what they need to do to improve. Anything written in a circle needs practising! As children move through the school, we expect them to start making their own comments in their reading record book; the older children will be set home  reading tasks to complete in reading journals. 

All classes have  some reading time every day.  When studying other subjects such as History or Geography, some time will be spent looking at a text. 

All classes also have a daily story time, when their teacher will read to them. 

We have a school library and class librarians. All children can borrow a book from the library to take home. 

Shortly after your child begins in Starfish, you will be invited to a Reading Workshop which will explain phonics teaching more fully. In Dolphins you will be invited to a meeting that explains the annual Phonics screening.  And every year, parents are invited to a reading meeting during our annual Books at Bedtime events, that describes how you can help your child develop a lifelong love of reading.

We also organise annual events to promote love of reading and a love of books. We visit the local library, we celebrate World Book Day, we run Books at Bedtime and organise a visit from the  travelling book fair, and we have an annual Poetry competition. And we read lots and lots and lots of stories!
