Contact Details

Durweston CE

Primary School

Feed the mind, nurture the spirit, free the imagination

Stand true in what you believe. Be courageous, be strong. And do everything with love.

1 Corinthians 16: 13-14

SEND & Inclusion

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities at Durweston

Our school values the individuality of all our children. We are committed to giving all of them every opportunity to make the best possible progress and achieve the highest standards they can. We aim to foster a positive attitude to learning that will continue for the rest of their lives. We do this by:



  • Recognising pupils varied life experiences and needs

  • Developing their feelings of self-worth and celebrating their achievements

  • Nurturing the child to enable them to be the best they can

  • Offering an accessible and inclusive curriculum and environment for all pupils

 Mrs Corrie, our SENDCo, works closely with all of the teaching staff ensuring that we are supporting children with a wide range of academic, physical and social needs. Much of the support is provided within the classroom, although on occasions, support maybe be in a small group or one-to-one sessions. Support is offered to children in a number of ways delivered by staff or external support such as an Educational Psychologist. 

As a small, community setting, we have a privileged opportunity to build very close relationships with parents, enabling us to break down barriers to children’s learning. We encourage parents to discuss progress regularly with the class teachers and, where necessary, with the SENDCo.

Mrs Corrie's school email address is: She is a trained primary teacher who also holds the SENDCo qualification. 

Our governor responsible for SEND is Bronwen Jones.

If you would like to discuss any issue regarding your child and Special Educational Needs and Disability, please give the school a call and we will be happy to provide both information and support.

For further information please refer to our SEND policy and SEND report.


For more information on SEND within education please read this useful guide

"I would like to thank Mrs Brooke and all the staff at Durweston CE VA Primary School for all the support provided to my son.  The SEN support he received was especially helpful in enabling him to fulfil his full potential and was something he enjoyed engaging in immensely.  My expectations of the school in every aspect were constantly exceeded. I could not have wished for a better environment for not only my child’s education but for his overall well-being.  I’m eternally grateful for all of the fantastic memories that I’m sure will stay with my son throughout his secondary education and beyond." 

 I have been trying to think about what it is that Durweston gives its pupils, that many other schools simply lack... I think I have the term ... “bouncebackability” they have the tools and resilience in them to bounce back, be stronger, reflective and move on. That’s a life skill that will never leave them.  '
